The training of the mentors, carried out within the framework of the Faith project in May 2022, has been completed. The volunteer-mentors who participated with great appetite and enthusiasm, seemed ready to contribute in many and creative ways to the fight against digital illiteracy! The training included three face-to-face meetings and one online.
More specifically, in the meetings with the mentors, we dealt with the following issues:
- We talked about the purpose of the program in general, but, also, more specifically of their training and their role as mentors.
- We discussed what are the characteristics of a good mentor.
- We acknowledge what are the learning needs of older people.
- We presented the practical stages of the program’s implementation.
- We mentioned the need for digital registration and specifically for online transactions.
- We answered questions such as what are the most common problems, what are people’s needs in relation to the daily use of new technologies and what can we, as a team, do to help with these issues, within the program, and generally.
Finally, the volunteers had the opportunity to specifically view the educational material and the platform.